CAL has been working on reaching out to youth, as many young people in Singapore are caregivers or caregivers-to-be who need support as well. We have found that these youth have specific needs that may require programmes specially curated for them to be effective.
As such, we are working directly with Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) to improve mental health literacy for young people. For instance, CAL is collaborating with Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) to raise mental health awareness under the student-led i-CARE initiative. The intention is to create a programme featuring videos, caregiver stories and Q&A sessions that will help students to learn more about depression. We are also partnering with SUSS and Republic Polytechnic.
However, what is really exciting is that we have curated a new C2C programme for Young Caregivers. A group of 5 CAL staff co-created the programme with support from a group of student volunteers under the Youth Corps Leaders Programme (YCLP). Project Mind over Matter is a 6-sessions course for students enrolled in IHLs. It is targeted at: (1) youths who are primary or secondary caregivers to family/friends; (2) youths interested in helping peers facing mental health conditions; and (3) youths that desire to learn more about mental health issues. The 6 weeks online course was launched on 20 June 2020, and is fully subscribed with 30 participants.
Recently, we have curated an updated 8-sessions C2C programme for Young Caregivers, which we have launched with two classes of 40 participants for SIM as of 2 September 2020.
Below are some of the screenshots and images taken during the first C2C programme for Young Caregivers.
Art Jamming Session
Art Jamming and Full Team Photo
Team Arcadia and Team NYC
Graduation Day
Are you a young caregiver (caring for a friend or family member with a mental health condition)? or Are you interested in becoming a peer caregiver (care for a friend with a mental health condition)?
Join us on our upcoming training programme conducted via Zoom!
Register at