Contact Us
Caregivers Alliance Limited (CAL)
491-B River Valley Road
#04-04 Valley Point Office Tower
Singapore 248373
Phone: 6460 4400 (Mon to Fri, excluding public holidays, 9 am - 6 pm)
Email: general@cal.org.sg
For media enquiries, please contact:
Email: comms@cal.org.sg
Getting Here:
By Bus: Service numbers 14, 32, 65, 139, 970
By Car: Parking is available at Valley Point Building
HELPLINES (Mon to Fri, excluding public holidays, 9 am - 5 pm)
IMH CSC: 6388 2686 / 6388 8631
Whistleblowing Policy
CAL promotes an open, transparent, no-rank culture where whistleblowers – staff, volunteers, suppliers, and the general public – are encouraged to whistle blow about any possible corporate or employee improprieties in good faith without fear of punishment or unfair treatment.
Reports may be channelled to CAL’s designated email account: whistleblow@cal.org.sg. This will be auto-forwarded to the Board Chairman and the Audit Committee Chairman. All reports will be treated in strictest confidence and promptly investigated.