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Updates from CAL in response to novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

In light of the novel coronavirus situation, what action is CAL taking?

  • C2C classes have been suspended from 10 February until further notice. Registration for new classes remains open, so sign up or let your friends know that they can still join! Our staff will contact interested participants to confirm the start dates and address any concerns. Sign up here:

  • Outreach, mental health talks and other caregiver engagement activities involving large number of participants have been scaled down. We will monitor the situation and resume these activities when appropriate.

  • Caregivers’ needs will continue to be met: CAL will focus on connecting with caregivers over the phone to provide emotional support, information and referrals as required. Emails or WhatsApp may be used as well.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for help. We know caregiving for a loved one with a mental health issue can be very challenging. For our caregivers, remember to practise self-care, but also be bold and do ask for help when needed.

Stay safe, be vigilant and take appropriate precautionary measures. We are stronger together as a community.

Check back for updates, and keep in touch with us here: - Website: - Facebook: - General Enquiries: 6460 4400;

Caregivers Alliance Limited, 11 February 2020


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