On 15 & 30 June 2021, 27 CAL Staff and 31 CAL Volunteers attended a full-day training workshop called ‘Transactional Analysis for Developing Positive Communication Competencies in Working Relationships’. This was in collaboration with ECTA (Executive Counselling and Training Academy), and part of CAL's efforts towards caregiver engagement and staff development.
Transactional Analysis (TA) is a psychological theory that was developed by Eric Berne in the 1960s, that helps explain why we think, act and feel the way we do. By learning to be more aware of our thoughts and behaviours, we will be able to improve the way we communicate with those around us.
CAL first connected with ECTA's Chairman, Prof Tan Chue Tin and ECTA's CEO, Dr Jessica Leong in March 2021, and one of the outcomes of the partnership was the offer of a 1-day WSQ-Certified programme for CAL Staff and Volunteers, conducted by Dr Leong herself.
The training received positive feedback from those in attendance. To quote one participant, "Dr Jessica’s in-depth elaborations and stories have been very useful and helpful. She is highly engaging and has injected laughter and fun at the same time. Excellent trainer. Appreciate CAL and ECTA's collaboration in offering this course – very effective application in personal and professional life."
Find out more about ECTA and their courses here.
As part of the partnership, ECTA is providing complimentary counselling for caregivers who have attended our C2C programmes as well as their loved ones. Interested parties can contact yinfeng@cal.org.sg