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Volunteers Needed 找寻义工 (27 July)

Keen to help out at our event? At our upcoming caregivers' event "A Walk in the Park", we will need Activity Group Leaders and Photographers.

Date: Saturday, 27 July 2019

Time: 4 - 7pm* (Event starts at 4.30pm)

Venue: Gardens by the Bay

1) Activity Group Leaders

Be in a small group of caregiver participants and help guide them in fun activities. As a group leader, you are important as you help bring caregivers together and ensure they don't get lost! You would also be the key contact point for your group for the various activities such as the Scavenger Hunt. Please ensure you have Whatsapp and data connection as you would need to send photos.

Number of volunteers needed: 8-10

2) Photographers*

Love capturing moments? We will need volunteer photographers to rove around the garden to help snap photos of our caregivers with/without photo props.

* Volunteers need to either i) own a camera, or ii) be able to handle a polaroid camera provided by CAL.

Volunteers needed: 2-3


愿意帮忙我们的活动吗?在我们即将到来的照顾者 “滨海花园漫步” 活动中,我们需要活动小组组长和拍照者义工。

日期: 星期六, 2019年7月27日

时间: 4 - 7pm* (活动4.30pm开始)

地点: 滨海花园



需要义工的人数: 8-10人

2) 拍照者*

热爱记录美好的瞬间吗? 我们需要义工拍照者在活动过程中抓拍各种美好的照片留念。

* 义工要求:i) 有自己的照相机, 或者 ii) 会使用CAL提供的拍立得相机。

需要义工的人数: 2-3人

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